Dr. Hordge-Freeman and Edlin Veras co-authored “Out of the Shadows, Into the Dark: Ethnoracial Dissonance and Identity Formation in Afro-Latinx Families” in the journal for the Sociology of Race & Ethnicity (2020)

A 2016 Pew report reported that 24 percent of Hispanics identify as Afro-Latinxs, but researchers know very little about the significance of Afro-Latinx identity and how it develops. Using survey data administered to 94 self-identified Afro-Latinxs and in-depth interviews with selected survey respondents, the authors examine the socialization experiences that shape their identity formation. The…

Bringing your Whole Self to Research: The Power of the Researcher’s Body, Emotions, and Identities in Ethnography, International Journal of Qualitative Methods in 2018

Despite advancements, there remains relatively little research about how researchers navigate their bodies and emotions in the context of field research. Perhaps because it represents a threat to ideas about objective or value-free research, qualitative researchers may receive the least amount of practical training about how their bodies and emotions matter in the field. The…